Official Announcement
This is to inform our club members that in 2015, the Hungarian Pumi Klub, represented by Mr. József Árkosi reported an unknown perpetrator to the police for forgery of official documents, stating that a registration certificate (issued in the USA) was fake because the corresponding litter was born in Hungary and not in the USA.During the legal process, based on Mr. Árkosi’s deposition, the prosecutor’s office pressed charges against Ms. Krisztina Menyhárt (Vöröskői-Kondacsipkedő Pumi Kennel) for attempted forgery of official documents. It should be pointed out, that the parents of the puppies have been in possession of all the qualifications required for breeding either in Hungary or in USA. Furthermore, both parents have DNA identification.Mr. József Árkosi denied the owner’s application for the naturalization of the dog. He confiscated the original registration certificate he received from the owner and he attached it to his report that was forwarded the police with the complaint. According to our information there was neither a decision by the club’s general assembly in this case nor the club members were informed of what he intended to do.After a four year long legal process the court of justice found no evidence of any criminal act. It was stated by the court that the registration certificate is outside the category of official documents and it is not forged.This long legal process had set back the breeding activity of the owner of the above mentioned kennel and this litter was unreasonably excluded from further breeding.Ms. Krisztina Menyhárt’s acquittal was initiated by the prosecutor’s office, due to the absence of any criminal act. This decision of the court went into effect immediately on 02.19.2019.Taking into consideration that several other dog breeders have to face the same situation, we draw your attention to FCI Breeding Regulations, Paragraph 18, which stipulates the following: GENERALLY, litters are registered in the country where the LEGAL address of the owner of the bitch is located.The legal address of the breeder does not have to be the same as the birthplace of the litter. Any legal address can be accepted.